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A problem shared is a problem halved. Others just like you may be feeling or thinking the same kind of things ...
"... I'm feeling a bit low at the moment, it's not going as well as it was a few weeks ago" "... I think I blew it over the weekend when I went out" " ... I don't know if I can keep doing this" Talking to others about a difficulty allows to see that "it's not just me". That realisation itself can give us a lift, knowing that we're not in this alone ... |
But it's never all doom and gloom! A lot of the time things will go well and it's good to tell others when it does. It's uplifting to share our mini successes along the way, just as it is to hear about the successes of others on their own journey.
We really encourage you to join a WhatsApp group chat on your journey - there will be up to nine others, like you, to share their experiences and support each other as you learn together. |